Senin, 28 November 2011

Eleven Natural Science Two


Eleven Science Two with our beloved tutor teacher bu Rukiyah

bu Rukiyah our tutor teacher or physic's teacher

Distya Putri - 16 December 1995 jakarta

Yuda - 8 June 1995 jakarta

Awalia Saraswati - 29 January 1995 jakarta

Farhan Syarif - 16 March 1995 jakarta

Itamar Pascana - 10 march 1995 jakarta


Korry Azrina - 15 0ctober 1995 jakarta

Michael Maruli - 14 November 1994 jakarta

Anggie Elka - 14 November 1995 jakarta

Kemal Husaini - 7 November 1995 jakarta

Farrahdiba Elsalsabila - 2 August 1996 banda aceh

M. Syahnuriawan - 2 February 1996 jakarta

Nadya Anissa Fitri - 7 January 1995 jakarta

Indra Hananto - 19 August 1995 jakarta

Farissa - 2 August 1995 jakarta

Anissa Metha - 5 May 1995 jakarta

Tanty - 13 January 1996 jakarta

Sani Sri Rejeki - 26 july 1995 jakarta

Nadya Maharani - 6 August 1995 jakarta

Kepala SMA Negeri 31- Dra. Nani Kurniasih, M.pd

Bu Agnes - Chemistry's teacher

Bu Jois - PLH's Teacher

Mam Rodel - english teacher

Pak Wawan - History and PKN's teacher

Pak Rinto - Art's teachers

Pak Ifwandi - Sport's teacher

Frau Anna - Deutch's teacher

Bu Yulman - Bk's teacher

Bu Wahyu - Religion's teacher

Bu Sulastri - Biology's teacher

Bu Siti Nurjanah - TIK's teacher


I really proud to be part of ventracend. In eleven natural science two we are family, we love being science's student. Nothing worried being science's student, maybe we just had a little more assignments than other class. But we just make it flow, just enjoying that we had right now. We love our teacher, they always teach us to be a better person. In our life we just have to pick one way for the future, so i picked science class to lead me to the future. i believe, everything that we did it would shows us to the brighter life :)